Today’s tasty concoction was inspired by me riffing off an old 60’s song, “Wild Thing,” by the Trogs. My creative brain kicked in and came out with:
“Wine thing…you make my head ring…you make everything boozy (or blurry)…”
So I decided to come up with a drink called “Wine Thing.” I figured it had to be deceptively strong, with enough sweetness to increase the odds of a hangover, should one drink too many of them. Here’s what I came up with:
Wine Thing
Into a 12 ounce glass, combine:
- 1.5 oz white wine – I used Chardonnay; you can try something stronger and sweeter
- 1.5 oz brandy (for fortification – I may try vodka and report back)
- .5 oz raspberry syrup – sweetness, masks the alcohol flavor
- 3 oz lemon-lime soda, like 7-up
Add ice. Consume with care.
As an alternate, I may try it with Cruzan Raspberry Rum instead of the brandy and/or the raspberry syrup. I’ll let you know how that works out for me. 🙂